When people talk, it is quite rare that their brains function faster than their mouths. They talk nonsense and expect not to be challenged.
When people talk, it is quite rare that their brains function faster than their mouths. They talk nonsense and expect not to be challenged. In fact, they expect adulation for their insights and ability to bring to the conversation something no one else has. What they cannot comprehend is that sometimes, what they are saying is utter nonsense that doesn’t even merit a response. This is the beauty of not thinking.
We all like to think that when we pass gas, it smells like roses. Has anyone smelt a dying rose? It smells nearly as bad as passing gas. Yet because it is rose everyone assumes that its scent will be breathtaking. It will but not in the nice way we think of. Our sense of self importance is sometimes so significant that we fail to remind ourselves that we could be at fault. In fact, we believe it is the duty of others to recognize our importance. And what better way than to express our self delusional thoughts that we believe to be gems worth quoting to generations to come? Our self obsession with our self importance has become an international phenomenon with the introduction of social media into our lives. Now our most unqualified and insignificant thoughts can be captured and spread worldwide like manure. We hope it grows beautiful flowers on it, unfortunately, more times than ever, all that grows on our manure are weeds that really ought to be killed.
Courtesy of this new ability to spread useless information, we make the mistake of exchanging quality with quantity. Gone are the days when people actually thought deeply before committing their deepest, most intimate thoughts to paper. Only to be replaced by garbage that only its author thinks is a nugget of wisdom.
This new medium of communication is not to blame really. It is us. Or should I say it those people who either think too much of themselves or those people who are obsessed in reporting aspects of their lives that we really don’t care for.
Take for example many business owners. These are the kinds of people who, because they have had a bit of success, believe it is their right to tell others, even those significantly more qualified than they will ever be, how things need to be done. Before the social media, they would bore the people in their companies with their ideas. If they were very successful, and even a broken watch is correct twice a day, they would buy a magazine to promote their nonsensical ideas. Now, with social media, the bully pulpit can reach millions. This means that what before social media only a handful would have to listen to a certain silly idea, now millions can enjoy the same drivel. Does that include me? Of course it does. We all love to think that the world revolves around us. We all love to think that because of this thing or that thing, we deserve to be listened to. The best example of this is when someone calls himself an expert. That is a sure sign that this person is full of him or her self. When you read this as an adjective used about someone, know that he or she will believe in their grandeur. I am not saying that what they say is not something to note, but when they say it, they will want you to accept their thoughts without argument.

The next time you are at a board meeting and a self righteous person speaks, know that there are thousands, if not millions who are thanking you for your sacrifice in not allowing him or her to voice their silly thoughts outside of the walls. We know the sacrifice you are committing on the rest of humanity’s behalf.
So, thank you social media for allowing more uninformed people a voice to bombard us with their silly nonsense. Thank you for giving world more useless thoughts.
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